Passing on knowledge to students: A cooperation with the Universitat de Barcelona

We are happy to report that in a cooperation with the Department of Continuing Education (Institut de Formació Contínua - IL3) of the Universitat de Barcelona and the Centro Español de Pásticos we will share our knowledge about simulation with the participants. On several dates this semester they will learn more about the possibilities of plastic injection molding simulation and get an insight into SIGMASOFT®.

Within one module we provide knowledge about the topics rheology and simulation in the course "Expert in Design, Materials and Processes for the Plastics and Composites Processing Industry". In the first part, besides an introduction about rheology and the necessary parameters and starting information, we also look at the difference between theory and practice. The second part deals with the detailed examination and application of SIGMASOFT Virtual Molding. Various analyses and evaluations (e.g. single and multi-cavities as well as shrinkage and warpage) are considered in detail and the use of the software in the industrial environment is explained.

 (c) Photo by wan-san-yip.jpg

About Us

For 20 years we are the expert on all kinds of injection molding simulation. From part to process we help to optimize plastic, rubber, thermoset and PIM applications. Here you can learn more about the company behind SIGMASOFT®.

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